Thursday, January 14, 2010

Employee Contract Example Can A Contract Employee Work With The Client Directly?

Can a contract employee work with the client directly? - employee contract example

Most recruits are usually a clause in their contracts stating that he / she may not be able to work directly with end users. Is this legal? If so, it is at?


PiggiePa... said...

Yes, it is legal for employers conditions of employment set. No, there is no legal solution, "because the clause in the treaty to prevent employee theft in the client instead was included in the company ..

CatLaw said...

The solution is usually in the contract. It requires that the customer pays the contractor a fee when hiring the employee. The fee is approximately the same amount of dollars that the customer must pay an employment agency in order to acquire an employee.

Work around others is time. The contract stipulates that the client can be hired directly by the workers not set a specific time period. Usually the deadline is one year.

CatLaw said...

The solution is usually in the contract. It requires that the customer pays the contractor a fee when hiring the employee. The fee is approximately the same amount of dollars that the customer must pay an employment agency in order to acquire an employee.

Work around others is time. The contract stipulates that the client can be hired directly by the workers not set a specific time period. Usually the deadline is one year.

CatLaw said...

The solution is usually in the contract. It requires that the customer pays the contractor a fee when hiring the employee. The fee is approximately the same amount of dollars that the customer must pay an employment agency in order to acquire an employee.

Work around others is time. The contract stipulates that the client can be hired directly by the workers not set a specific time period. Usually the deadline is one year.

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